Slaves to Habit

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Why is it that some people, despite years of trying, still struggle to change, while others can remake themselves overnight? Smoking, overeating, shopping, nail-biting… we all have a habit that we would like to get rid of, but where the brain is willing, the body is often weak and more often than not, we ultimately give into temptation.

Award-winning writer and director Andy Blicq (Faking the Grade, Conspiracy Rising, Information Overload, The Truth About Shoplifting, The Truth About Liars) follows three individuals over a 6-week period as they struggle to break their bad habits. Slaves to Habit, takes an in-depth look at these patterns, the behavior that surrounds them, and the startling new science on the interaction between brain chemistry, habit and self-control.

Slaves to Habit features some of the world’s foremost authorities on how our habits affect or control our lives, including psychologist Dr. John C. Norcross, author of “Changeology: 5 Steps to Realizing Your Goals and Resolutions”,  Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times reporter Charles Duhigg, author of ‘The Power of Habit – Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business”, health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, Kelly McGonigal, PhD and April Lane Benson, PhD, psychologist and author of the book “To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop”.

In the end, Slaves to Habit is an essential tool that reveals how we can harness and apply recent science on habit to transform our businesses, our communities, and our own lives.

Directed by: Andrew Blicq